
1.Establishment Divisions

S.No Establishment Subdivision
1. Administration
2. Budget and Accounts (BA)
3. Cash Section
4. Civil Construction Unit(CCU)
5. Development Monitoring and Evaluation(DME)
6. Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT) Cell
7. Economic Cell
8. General Administration(GA)
9. General Coordination(GC)
10. GST Cell
11. Information Technology (IT)
12. Integrated Finance (IF)
13. Internal Work Study Unit (IWSU)
14. International Cooperation (IC)
15. Legal Monitoring Cell (LMC)
16. Media Cell
17. National Green Tribunal Cell (NGT Cell)
18. National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) Cell
19. Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) CEll
20. Office Language(OL)
21. Parliament
22. Policy & Law(PL)
23. Protocol
24. Public Grievances (PG) Cell
25. Right To Information(RTI)
26. Statistical Cell (SC)
27. Swachh Bharat(SB)Cell
28. Trade & Environment (T&E)
29. Vigilance

2.Environment Divisions

S.No Environment Subdivision
1. Clean Technology (CT)
2. Climate Change(CC)
3. Conservation and Survey (CS)
4. Control of Pollution (CP)
5. Environment Education (EE)
6. Environmental Education, Awareness and Training (EEAT)
7. Environmental Health (EH)
8. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
9. Environmental Information (EI)
10. Hazardous Substances Management (HSM)
11. Montreal Protocol & Ozone Cell

3.Forest Divisions

S.No Forest Subdivision
1. Desertification Cell
2. Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ)
3. Forest Conservation(FC)
4. Forest Education (FE)
5. Forest Establishment (FE)
6. Forest Policy (FP)
7. Forest Protection (FPD)
8. Forest Services(FS)
9. Green India Mission (GIM)
10. National Afforestation & Eco-Development Board (NAEB)
11. Regional Office Head Quarter(ROHQ) (ESZ)
12. Research and Training (Forestry)
13. Survey & UtiliZation (SU)

4.Wildlife Divisions

S.No Wildlife Subdivision
1. Project Elephant(PE)
2. Wildlife (WL)